Selling Courses via Monthly Subscriptions?

Hi, I’m currently evaluating Open edX to hopefully take over a different solution I’ve been using, but have the following questions about ecommerce that I couldn’t find in the docs:

  1. Is there a support (even via an addon) that can handle a Netflix-style monthly subscription for a bundle of courses or role that can give access to courses?

  2. What are some examples of sites selling professional development training courses? Maybe one will inspire me with a different way to sell :slight_smile:

Hi @ricsmo! Welcome to Open edX :slight_smile:

Not that I know of, currently. This is a frequently requested feature though, so if you were to develop it, or fund its development, there would definitely be interest & help for it within the community.

You can have a look at the way edX sells professional certificates, for example:

Another option is to handle the registration/enrollment outside of Open edX, and then upload a list of users to enroll in each individual course, similarly to what is described in How to control user enrollment acceptance? - #2 by antoviaque - and potentially automate those steps if there are many courses/students registrations.

@antoviaque we have requirements for subscription and other bundling services and are consider options, including assessing the funding the development. Could you pop me an email for discussion?

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There is an edX developed service for providing subscription access to content called License Manager:

This service used at edX and is available under AGPL. The current status is “source available” and documentation is scant.

If there’s community energy to develop how-tos and documentation, let me know and we can talk about next steps.


thanks @e0d . Silly question: the link to readthedocs in the README is broken. it points to Any idea of the correct URL? i tried google but couldn’t find anything.

Probably the orginal doc live /docs license-manager/docs at master · openedx/license-manager · GitHub Typically repo based docs are extracted from its /docs directory

@ghassan is correct. However the docs are currently purely technical and don’t discuss the features use. I had no issues building them as expected.

git clone
cd license-manager/
mkvirtualenv license-manager
make requirements
make doc_requirements 
cd docs/
make html
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I created a tutor plugin for License Manager that automates build and deploy for both Ubuntu Linux environments as well as Kubernetes.

For Github users: i created these two Github Actions

Lastly, License Manager is now fully integrated into Cookiecutter Tutor Open edX Production Devops Tools