Tutor docker uses 172.18.x.x IP range and so does my campus VPN

Hi All,
Is there a way to use a different IP range? My campus already has this range on their VPN. I would like to make it so it was on a different subnet. I found this out using iptables.

Hi Rob,
That shouldn’t be a problem. The docker network is internal and is used only to interconnect the containers, that shouldn’t reach the outside. Set the IP of your host to another value and that should be the only address to reach the Open edX.

Thanks Andres!
Unfortunately I’m not sure exactly how to “Set the IP of your host to another value”. I am using Ubuntu 24.04. I can check with my campus network guy and figure out a better range of IP addresses to use, but I’m not sure how to change them. I looked at /etc/netplan and found some files, but am not sure which of the many files to change and how, or if that is even what I should do. I think I installed tutor without root, and modifying those files in etc is likely to require root privileges, so I don’t even think that is the right tree to bark up. :slight_smile:

I followed the instructions here Fixing Docker and VPN IP Address Conflicts | Lullabot to change the ip addresses of the networks that docker used. It worked for me. YMMV.

Thanks! That looks like just what I need!


Does anyone know why it appears that Tutor is using a /16 block (2^16 addresses)? Can we trim that down to 256?


It turns out that it is docker that installs the iptables, not tutor or edX. There is probably no good reason tutor or edX needs that many IP addresses.