What is the best way to uninstall tutor and edX?

I saw on the web where in 2020 Regis said just do this:
sudo rm -rf “$(tutor config printroot)”
but I suspect it is not that easy because iptables -L reveals a lot of things changed. The reason I need to uninstall Tutor and edX is so I can use my campus VPN which overlaps in IP space with which Tutor seems to use, and I’m not sure how to change that, so I am skeptical that just removing ~/.local/share/tutor (my root) will fix the iptables.



Refer to the bottom of the install docs here, you’ll find the uninstall info: Installing Tutor — Tutor documentation

Thanks Again Joel,
Your instructions helped me find another page with good info I need.Installing Tutor — Tutor documentation
Installing, Configuring, and Running the Open edX Platform — Installing, Configuring, and Running the Open edX Platform documentation
bath of which have interesting info, though only the first has how to uninstall.
Again, thanks!

The problem turns out to be due to installing docker and/or docker-compose. It is where the iptables were set, not specifically from tutor or edX.