Update assets failed

Hello all,

I have recently installed open-release/hawthorn.master version of open edX and while updating assets getting this error. Any solution for this?

Maybe you need import some file librery to your theme

Error: Cannot find module ‘…/lib/rtlcss’

Yes, I understand the error but why should I need to import library if I have installed open edX without any changes?

I have tried to install rtlcss using npm but again it has some error, so for solution of it I removed node_modules directory and package-lock.json file and then npm install.

After this update assets worked, but now my package.json has been changed, it has higher version of all modules. Will this can create any issue?

Probably not. Just revert the changes in package.json file and you’d be fine.

My suggestion is that you always stick to the latest version (in this case it’s Ironwood, and shortly will come Juniper). Hawthorn is old and unsupported by edX.