Where do i find the allowed_organizations option

Hello. I want to select the organization while creation the course instead of creating organization. I have created the organization from {{CMS_URL}/admin/organization}. I want to display this in the drop-down while creating course. The code looks like this

 <select class="new-course-org" id="new-course-org" name="new-course-org" required aria-describedby="tip-new-course-org tip-error-new-course-org">
                      % for org in allowed_organizations:
                      <option value=`${org}`>`${org}`</option>
                      % endfor

This is the code of index.html page for CMS.
how can i do it? please help me.

Hey Subodh,

I understand that you want to see a dropdown with a list of organizations instead of adding a new organization. This is possible by specifying the organizations for a staff user in {{CMS_URL}/admin/course_creators/coursecreator}.

Please ensure that:

  • The State should be set to ‘granted’.

  • Uncheck ‘All organizations’

  • Select the necessary organizations from the Organizations list.

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Thank you for your response. As you said, i am unable to see anything inside coursecreator. There is nothing it is just empty. How do i enable that option? i am logged in through super admin account.

@Subodh_Poudel, do you have any other ‘staff’ users in the instance?

its shows something like this. I am running as “staff” user. i tried creating other “staff” users account but that didn’t make any differences.