BBB 3.0 and Surac Integration

I am coming from Sakai and looking to integrate BBB (Big Blue Button) into openedx. I have taken the opportunity to upgrade BBB to 3.0. The documentation I have read about LTI integration between BBB and OpenEDX, installed with tutor, leaves some gaps in my understanding of what needs to be done.

  • Forums posts say I can get details for the LTI key and config in bbb by running “bbb-conf --lti” but this does not work in BBB 3.0 I did install BBB using the script with the “-t key:secret” option. There is “bbb-conf --secret” but it doesn’t appear to have the information required.
  • OpenEDX documentation (10.20. LTI Component — Building and Running an edX Course documentation) says I need to set up a LTI passport string but I am not sure where to get the url for this string. The format {your_lti_id}:{client_key}:{client_secret} doesn’t seem to contain the server url to use?
  • I have added “lti_consumer” to my course’s “Advanced module list”
  • BBB uses LTI 1.3 from their documentation.

I am hoping there is a nice step by step guide how to do this. Gemini and Chatgpt seem to be equally at a loss. Any help appreciated.


Ok so I have made progress!

You need to enable PII sharing for each course on an individual basis in the /admin panel. Search for PII or go to /admin/lti_consumer/courseallowpiisharinginltiflag. Then add your course id which is int he format: course-v1:OrgName+CourseCode+StartDate/. You can get this from the url of the course.

Once this is enabled the “live” page under Page and Resources will start to work when you click “BigBlueButton” and choose the “Commerce/Self Hosted” option. Then enter your key:secret from the “-t key:secret” when you installed BBB. Then the url for your BBB lti link:


The “live” page link to “Join” the room doesn’t work in firefox as 3rd party cookies are blocked and, although it says I will be promoted to enable 3rd party cookies I wasn’t. I disabled privacy badger for the page but still didn’t get the BBB link to work. It works fine in a chrome based browser.

Hope this helps someone.