CC Rights Expansion: Brian Smith, edx-platform

Hello Everyone,

Based on his recent work for the Node 18 upgrade, along with other major upgrades (like Webpack), Pull requests · openedx/edx-platform · GitHub, I think Brian will make a great addition to the committers on edx-platform with a focus on improving our frontend infrastructure.

Prior Work
Brian is already a committer to all Frontend repos, and is a maintainer for the Paragon repo.

Comment period
7 May - 14 May, 2024


Huge :+1: from me!

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A total +1! Thanks for all the great work so far!

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For sure, +1!

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Absolutely :+1: !

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+1 from me

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Definitely a big :+1: ! :slight_smile:

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+1 from me!

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Definitely!. I also vote yes

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+1: from me! :+1: :raised_hands: :+1:

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With 9 :+1: and no concerns raised, I’m happy to announce @brian.smith as a CC to edx-platform. Thanks for all your hard work!

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