Coding CC Rights Expansion: Jillian Vogel

Hi :slight_smile:

Following the procedure outlined in OEP-54, I’d like to extend my core contributor rights to include the edx-platform repo.


Jill wants to help review and merge platform OSPRs like these.

Prior work

Jill is an active member of the core contributor program, with merge rights to openedx-learning, Aspects analytics, edx-analytics-*, configuration, and edx-ora2.

Jill’s contributions to the platform include these significant features and bug fixes (see all PRs):

Please provide any feedback on this change by 2024-01-17.

Thank you :slight_smile:


@jill I’m partial to everything you do, you’re an awesome developer, one of the best of the project! So definitely a big +1 from me, and I’ve actually suggested the right extension :slight_smile:

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Absolutely +1 from me as well.

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:+1: from me as well!

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Absolutely! :+1:

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For sure, long overdue! :+1:

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Having you as an edx-platform core contributor will be extremely helpful to the entire Open edX community. :+1:

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I vote yes to this expansion as well. I absolutely trust that you will put this new permissions to good use and help the project move forward.

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Of course! :+1:

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Thank you everyone for your kind words!
The review period has elapsed and there’s enough approvals, so I’ll start the onboarding process. :tada: