Core Contributor Nomination: Peter Kulko

Hi all,

I’d like to nominate Peter Kulko (@Peter_Kulko, GH: @PKulkoRaccoonGang), as a new core contributor for the Paragon repository and design-tokens domain.

Introducing Peter Kulko

Peter is a frontend developer at Raccoon Gang, with the focus on markup and ReactJS development.
He has an impressive history of contributions to repositories around Paragon and Studio MFE conversion since March 2022. During that time, Peter has demonstrated exceptional skills in developing and maintaining code. He also has shown a high level of responsibility of creating, managing, and resolving issues in the Paragon repository and other MFE repositories.

Furthermore, as part of his work on the BD-46 project for Paragon maintenance, Peter was one of the main contributors to the design-tokens initiative, working on the major changes to the style system in the paragon library, maintained the alpha branch for design-tokens, implementing Paragon CLI scripts, and outlining the migration path to ease the future migrations around Open edX MFEs.

Currently, Peter is working on the design tokens pilot project, which is one of the final steps to provide global support for design tokens across Open edX MFEs. And is planning to continue working on MFEs conversion and maintenance of the design tokens afterward.

Access sought

I’d like to get merge rights for Peter to


As a member of Raccoon Gang, Peter would commit to contribute 20 hours per month to do core contributor work focused on Paragon WG and design tokens.

Comment period

For this nomination to pass, Peter needs 5 positive votes and no unaddressed objections by
6/6/2024: two weeks from this posting.


+1 from my side. :raised_hands: :+1: :raised_hands:

I’m 100% in support of this nomination! I’m looking forward to seeing Paragon continue to grow and improve with Peter as a CC!

Oh wow absolutely :+1:

And thank you @Peter_Kulko for your contributions so far!

We definitely need more people working on Paragon and Peter has already been doing a great job :+1:

The work done by @Peter_Kulko is a great contribution to the platform. I vote yes to the nomination.

+1 for sure!!!

Thank you @Peter_Kulko you are doing a great job!

My +1 here.
@Peter_Kulko is doing a great work!

Thank you all, the comment period is finished, we have 7 votes no objections.
@Peter_Kulko welcome to the Core Contributors program!

Thanks for support! I’m happy that I can do more for Paragon :tada: :gem:

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