I’ve been going through some of the developer onboarding documentation and have come across a few resources for setting up your local environment and seeing your first change reflected locally. They are listed here:
Within the apps.training.openedx.io > Open edX Developer Onboarding course > How to set up your 1st Tutor environment (Course |)
These are all well written however I believe some may be out-of-date and/or contradicting the others. It appears the Open edX quick start link have been updated 9 months ago. The tutor docs were updated 2 months ago. And the training course was updated in Nov 2024 (4 months ago).
However, I am still struggling with making a local code change and seeing my changes reflected in my localhost. So, I’m asking if anyone has any documentation they’ve run through recently which I could reference to get my local changes reflected using tutor commands and I will be happy to submit a PR on that GitHub documentation.
Any other feedback on which resource of those 3, or any others, to reference would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for offering to help refresh the docs, it’s a constant battle. We should probably link out more to the authoritative Tutor docs from most of those locations instead to help keep them from getting stale. I’m happy to help review any PRs you have, and I think @sarina was going to offer to give you the ability to make edits to the onboarding course if you’d like that.
For your specific question, it has a lot to do with the change you’re trying to make. If it’s in the Python code, then the Tutor “Open edX Development” you mentioned and “Working on edx-platform as a developer” docs are the best place to start. One thing that often trips people (me) up is that the first time after you mount a project you need to rebuild the openedx / openedx-dev images for it to catch the changes. Also, if you are using tutor local instead of tutor dev you will need to restart the appropriate containers to see changes.
If your changes are on the front-end, that’s our of my wheelhouse but just let us know and we can point you to the right person.
Hey, I’ve been leading the launch of a new Tutor-based Open edX deployment and have put together some internal documentation to address several outdated sections of the official docs. I’d love to contribute these updates, especially since many of the issues we tackled seem to come up frequently in forums and Slack discussions.
Some of the key challenges we managed to solve (though admittedly with some dirty/hacky fixes) include: extending the registration form (including adding custom form elements with validation), setting up Stripe payments in eCommerce, and customizing the header/footer with a custom logo.
If someone with more knowledge on the Open edX codebase would be willing to review them, i’d love to publish them.
Thank you for getting this started @e0d! I did leave a review with some comments. I was able to get my local changes on the legacy platform code base reflected on my localhost today. I think referencing the Tutor docs is the right way to go, but sometimes it seems those are in conflict with one-another in my experience. Perhaps my next step is to submit a PR on the tutor docs.