hello there, i’m new to openedx and saw that with digital ocean, it’s an easier installation. but configuration is a bit of a nuisance. so i went and deployed a droplet in digital ocean, ssh’d into the server, and went to town on the yml files by following the directions. issue is that i can’t get to the studio page, account page goes to a blank white page, and can’t really do anything to setup the new openedx instance. anyone have any suggestions on how to properly resolve these types of issues?
Hi @Limskey and welcome!
I don’t know much about Digital Ocean and didn’t know they had an Open edX install, but I see it’s an install of Lilac (from June 2021). We do a release every six months, and once a new release is released, we no longer support the previous release. We’re releasing Redwood next month, actually, so Lilac is quite old and honestly I wouldn’t expect this to work at all.
I’m not a site operator so I won’t be able to help much but a good place to start would be Installing Tutor — Tutor documentation
If you post a new question, please ensure you pick the right topic. I moved your topic from Community to “Site Operators > Site Operations Help”
alright thanks for getting back to me. I’ve found tutor and installed but now having a different issues. I posted on a different post. Local.edly.io is not accessible for fresh tutor local launch project - #29 by caglartufan09
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