Hi everybody!
I would like to know your opinion about paid content for mobile applications. I mean paid course/program enrollment, paid certificate for a course, or subscription to a courses organizer.
What do you think about it? Could it increase the involvement of learners in mobile apps? Could it be interesting for course vendors?
Hey there
This is a frequent request from our customers at RaccoonGang.
@RaccoonGang_Illia I found epic with the same theme https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/LEARNER-7406
I noticed that related tickets from the epic have “NEED TRIAGE” status for more than a year.
I explored this document https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LEARNER/pages/951912054/Course+Upgrade+via+In-App+Billing+Mobile+Payments.
In my opinion, the donation option will not suit us, as it will be rejected. There is the option to make a way to access the courses by subscription. After a year of subscription, developers will receive 85 percent of the subscription, not 70 percent.
Do we have any plans to continue developing by epic? Can you clarify the priority of the in-app purchases tasks within mobile apps?
My comment is related to AppStore.