I am noob in Edx. I have knowledge of python and Django. I want to learn about open edx. I did not find any tutorial or video lectures about the open edx development. Please let me know if anyone has knowledge about it.
Welcome to the community @Deepanshu
Check https://edx.readthedocs.io/projects/edx-developer-guide/en/latest/architecture.html
This will answer your most of the questions.
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@chinmaybhatk Thanks for your reply. Can you please let me know is there any tutorials present to understand the open edx. I have learned lot of python from youtube but not found any course for edx development.
https://open-edx-proposals.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ This will help you undestand the technicalities involved in Openedx.
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@chinmaybhatk Thanks. Is there any tutorial video present for this.
No as of now.