INPUT NEEDED: Proposed change to working group meeting hosting


In order to ensure that all Open edX working group meetings have a consistent attendee experience, are recorded and made available consistently, and have a low management burden, we propose centralizing ownership of working group meetings and implementing consistent configuration for all meetings. This will allow us to:

  • Ensure working group meetings are on the correct shared calendar
  • Use a single, consistent technology for working group meetings, for a consistent attendee experience
  • Ensure all working group meetings are recorded for asynchronous access
  • Ensure that recordings are made available in a timely, consistent way
  • Make it easy to add features like summarization or Slack notifications in a consistent way
  • Easily handle cases when meeting owners are unexpectedly absent


As a result of standardizing our meeting technology, we propose that:

  • All meetings will use Google Meet.
  • Meetings will be hosted via the Axim Google Workspace
  • Meeting recordings will be available in a single public folder following the name format, [Meeting Name] – 2024/08/21 15:50 EDT – Recording, and [Meeting Name] – 2024/08/21 15:50 EDT – Transcript
  • Adding new “features” like Slack notifications and automated summary with ChatGPT could be done relatively easily via Zapier.
  • All meetings will be centrally owned by a system users and folks that run the meetings will be added as co-hosts.
  • We’ll create an Axim Engineering issue template for creating and managing new and existing working group meetings.


Please provide any feedback you have by 9/15/2024.

Note that while everyone has their preferred software, we believe that having a single option will best ensure a consistent attendee experience and reduce management overhead. Meet is a tool we already use. It is currently used for the majority of our working group meetings and has a nice set of features for simplifying management. Not requiring a client download is a plus.


This standardization is very much welcomed

Agreed, thanks for this @e0d ! Being able to reliably and quickly access meeting recordings & transcripts will be really useful, to be able to keep track more easily async. :+1:

Can we make sure that the permissions allow to download the video file? I have had a few recordings from Hangouts on Google Drive which didn’t allow it - it’s good to have the choice to use another video player than the Google Drive streamer.

@e0d I agree with this initiative and with the Recording Policy for Open edX Meetings published here, and will not allow any AI chatbot other than the approved one. Will @Eden_Huthmacher be the contact person to share the Google Meet link with meeting organizers and co-organisers?

After the 15th, assuming there is no blocking feedback, we’ll transfer the meeting to a “system user.” At that time we can create a few cohosts for each meeting who will be able to do the critical tasks. The “system owner” won’t actually join the meeting, so we’ll rely on the cohosts to do all of the organizing and management.