like, we can upload multiple transcripts of different languages from the studio (in the video block), so users can switch video transcripts based on language familiarity.
same way, can we attach multiple videos of different languages from the studio (in the video block)? so users can switch videos based on language understanding within the video block.
Hi @kiran_chauhan and sorry for the late reply here. I do not believe this is supported in the video block. I think people have used cohorts to segment users into different languages, but this has its own challenge around duplicating content.
@marcotuts would be able to provide a better answer than I
While the current functionality of the video block in Studio does not inherently support multiple videos for language switching within the block itself, there is a potential solution that involves utilizing cohorts.
One approach could involve creating separate cohorts for each language group of users. Then, within the course content, you could embed links to the respective videos based on the language preferences of each cohort. For example, you could create a video block with a dropdown menu or buttons labeled with different languages, each linked to the corresponding video URL. Users belonging to specific language cohorts can then choose their preferred language and access the corresponding video directly from within the course.
This method allows for language-specific content delivery tailored to the preferences of different cohorts of users. Additionally, it provides a seamless experience within the course interface, enabling users to switch between videos based on their language understanding.