Need Help Accessing Open edX on EC2 Instance

Hello everyone,

I recently installed Tutor on an Ubuntu EC2 instance on AWS, and after running the command tutor local, all services initialized successfully. The platform is now running and can be accessed at the following URLs:

I double-checked the Docker processes to ensure everything is up and running, and here’s the output from docker ps:

b77f24944678 overhangio/openedx:19.0.1 “celery --app=cms.ce…” 2 hours ago Up 49 minutes 8000/tcp tutor_local-cms-worker-1
1cf39afad276 overhangio/openedx:19.0.1 “celery --app=lms.ce…” 2 hours ago Up 49 minutes 8000/tcp tutor_local-lms-worker-1
cc111e15c077 overhangio/openedx:19.0.1 “uwsgi /openedx/uwsg…” 2 hours ago Up 49 minutes 8000/tcp tutor_local-cms-1
b3ce1dab501c overhangio/openedx-mfe:19.0.0 “caddy run --config …” 2 hours ago Up 49 minutes 80/tcp, 443/tcp, 2019/tcp, 443/udp tutor_local-mfe-1
f036d431562e overhangio/openedx:19.0.1 “uwsgi /openedx/uwsg…” 2 hours ago Up 49 minutes 8000/tcp tutor_local-lms-1
76a63dc08a38 mongo:7.0.7 “docker-entrypoint.s…” 2 hours ago Up 49 minutes 27017/tcp tutor_local-mongodb-1
48db46114d95 redis:7.2.4 “docker-entrypoint.s…” 2 hours ago Up 49 minutes 6379/tcp tutor_local-redis-1
69be6d3f2395 getmeili/meilisearch:v1.8.4 “tini – /bin/sh -c …” 2 hours ago Up 49 minutes 7700/tcp tutor_local-meilisearch-1
5824c9469318 devture/exim-relay:4.96-r1-0 “/sbin/tini – exim …” 2 hours ago Up 49 minutes 8025/tcp tutor_local-smtp-1
0b8e9bed6e2c mysql:8.4.0 “docker-entrypoint.s…” 2 hours ago Up 49 minutes 3306/tcp, 33060/tcp tutor_local-mysql-1
0d66ded2af86 caddy:2.7.4 “caddy run --config …” 2 hours ago Up 49 minutes 443/tcp,>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp, 2019/tcp, 443/udp tutor_local-caddy-1

However, I am unable to access the platform through my browser using the public IP of the EC2 instance. I have verified that all the necessary inbound rules are set up correctly.

Could anyone please help me troubleshoot this issue? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

using the public IP of your server is not sufficient to access the web interface, you must use a DNS name so that Caddy can correctly serve the right page to you.
If you are not ready to set up your DNS then you can edit your Hosts file on your local machine to force DNS resolution on that machine only (this should only really be a temporary solution for testing and later removed when you set up your proper DNS server)

Side note, avoid using “openedx” or similar trademarks in your DNS name

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