Hi all! Here is the recap from the meeting we held on 2022-08-09.
Video Recording
- @arbrandes
- @mgmdi
- @Felipe
- @jalondonot
- @antoviaque
- @ghassan
- @sarina
- @Dean
- @mafermazu
- @estebanetcheverry
- @pdpinch
- @idegtiarov
Meeting notes
2. Working Groups Follow-Ups:
Marketing (@estebanetcheverry ) - start at 0:55:
- The next Open edX virtual meetup will feature two experts in online education, focused on enhancing student engagement to optimize learning. Register now!
BTR (@Dean ) - start at 10:18:
- You can find the notes of the last meeting here!
- There is a multilateral effort being led by several contributors regarding Kubernetes and Tutor in Open edX. Feel free to join the discussion.
Frontend (@arbrandes) - start at 15:18:
Request for help:
A review of Suggested changes to the MFE Config API would be very much appreciated
Data (@Andres.Aulasneo @e0d @mafermazu ) - start at 16:56:
- You can find the notes of the last meeting here!
DEPR (@feanil @dave @idegtiarov) - start at 20:53:
- You can find the notes of the last meeting here!
Product (@jmakowski) - start at 29:14:
- You can find the notes of the last meeting here!
- Jenna prepared a great Group Charter proposal. Join the discussion!
- Sarina started the discussion on the proposal to kick off a Product Manager role. Check it out!
- Kyle McCormick shared a great chart of the product cores of Open edX as a product.
TOC (@antoviaque) - start at 33:33:
- They are still working on figuring out the process for the election of the community members. Here you can find the proposal.
3. Events - start at 35:12:
- The next Open edX virtual meetup will feature two experts in online education, focused on enhancing student engagement to optimize learning. Register now!
4. Projects
5. Improvements and Calls/offers for help (@Dean @antoviaque ) - start at 35:59:
- @Dean and @antoviaque prepared a great recap of what was discussed at this point of the meeting:
If you think you can lend a hand to any of the core contributors that are blocked, feel free to reach out to them!
Side note: We now have an Open edX Working Group Calendar!
Next meetup
Tuesday August 23th at 15:00 UTC (Timezone converter).
Details and draft agenda on the Github board.