I’m facing a problem with my exercice settings. I’m trying to make the “show answer” button appear once the learner had submitted his answer. No matter if the answer is correct or not , I want it to show after submission.
For that it seems logical to select “answered” as an option in my settings, which i did in both unit and advanced settings but it doesn’t work. What i obtain as a behaviour when i take the course as a learner is showing the button only when the answer is correct.
On the other hand, when i chose “attempted” instead, the “Show answer” button shows always even before answering.
Can you help me to know how to fix this problem ?
By setting “Attempted” in both unit and advanced settings, I have the “show answer” button always displayed from the beginning even before trying to answer.
I don’t want to limit the number of attempts actually but i tried it just in case. It doesn’t change anything.
@Anh_Vu_Nguy_n , I’m sorry but I cannot see anywhere in my settings the Number of Attemps. I only have Maximum Attempts.
I cannot right it down in front of “Attempted” if this is the suggestion because it’s only a list of values. I can pick an option but I cannot add or right anything added to the value I chose.