Originally published at: Seeking More Maintainers - Open edX
The Open edX Project is seeking more maintainers. The term “maintainer” refers to an individual or group of people who serve as leaders for a given component (a service or library composed of code and hosted on GitHub) of the Open edX platform. Maintainers provide both technical and community management. Historically, 2U has been the…
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This is important!
Thank you for writing about this @feanil. We definitely need more members of the community to step up to help with the maintenance, we have a lot of gap to cover still from the maintainer roles 2U is quitting. It’s a good occasion to show that we can manage this change as a community - and for community members to have more impact on the Open edX project. So please read what Feanil wrote, and consider picking up a repo and becoming a maintainer of a part of the project.