i know my question is outside the scope of this question,
But please can you tell me how to enable subjects in openedx ?
i know my question is outside the scope of this question,
But please can you tell me how to enable subjects in openedx ?
If it is outside the scope of this question, I would suggest you start a new thread. Thank you.
Hi Mr @kmccormick
Im trying to develop an Open Edx site, im almost done, but i want to be able to create programs, which i cant until i develop a marketing site, ,is this right?
Some users in the forum have told me that what i need to achieve Open Fun´s Richie CMS
Am i right or completely lost?
Im having a bad time trying to understand the process to get a program running as you can see here: Open Edx Programs: Course run is not publishable // [IRONWOOD]
Thanks for your work and patience
@Xperez @kamil_bandar I’m moving this part of the thread to a separate one to discuss the approach here - could you avoid doing this in the future? Posting about a question in multiple threads, or an unrelated question in an existing thread, creates noise in the forum, which decreases its value for everyone.
When you have a question, please post it once in a new topic - and then wait for an answer. I know it can be frustrating to have an issue and no clear answer, but the contributions on this forum are from volunteers, and trying to force one will just decrease the likelihood that people who have the answers will want to come here to post them.
Ok, thanks for the explanation
Will avoid it in the future.
Hi @Xperez . Glad to hear you’re working on an Open edX site.
It is true that Open edX does not come with a way to market programs. You can connfigure them through Course Discovery, which should cause them to show up on courses in LMS and be sell-able as bundle in ECommerce (although I’m fuzzy on a lot of those details), but if you want to “market”, you’ll need to do that yourself (or leverage a third-party solution).