As part of an update to OEP-54 Core Contributors, we have codified a nomination process for coding CCs looking to expand their commit rights. Following this procedure, I am nominating @arbrandes for commit rights to the following foundational frontend repos:
Adolfo has been a community member for seven years; he joined the Core Contributor program in June of 2021 and has commit rights to the following repos: frontend-app-library-authoring & edx-platform, as well as all release branches.
Adolfo has been a valued member of the Build Test Release guild, a prolific contributor of code, and a highly active community member. He has recently joined the team at tCRIL, serving as our team’s Principal Frontend Engineer. He has jumped into frontend stuff - he is currently working with the frontend working group and the tCRIL product manager to get better grounding in our current state and work to chart a course for a frontend ecosystem that works for the whole community.
Per the updated OEP, the comment period will be active for 1 week given that Adolfo already has experience with frontend code and is already a core contributor on a frontend-app repo. Please provide review comments by February 18. Thanks!
@sarina@arbrandes Sounds good to me! I don’t work with the repos being discussed, but knowing @arbrandes he has always acted responsibly with the rights he was given, and done good things with his responsibilities, so it sounds like a good idea.
I think that this makes sense. That’s a yes from me although I don’t have cc rights to the repos involved. Still, Adolfo’s contributions so far in the community have always been of very high quality and I know it will continue to be so.
@djoy you very much do get a vote. As we clarified here, anyone who can commit to a repo should weigh in. This is vitally important for repos like these, where there are no non-2U core contributors.
I already clarified this for Robert in another thread, and in my post to #frontend-working-group, I did say people who have commit rights to the repos in question should be part of the decision. Is there a way I could make this clearer to your team?
Seems pretty clear now; I just hadn’t seen the update to the OEP when it flew by, nor today’s Slack message.
I don’t have an offhand suggestion about how to make folks aware of OEP updates they didn’t see and/or get a notification for. I imagine that may spread by word of mouth a bit and some folks may sometimes have gaps in their understanding like I did.
I worked with @arbrandes on frontend-app-library-authoring as part of BD-14 (blockstore-backed content libraries). I can attest that he is a competent and thoughtful frontend developer, and I support his access to all of these repositories