Coding CC Rights Expansion: Adolfo Brandes

Following the procedure outlined in OEP-54, I’d like to nominate @arbrandes for commit rights expansion to every repository covered by the newly created frontend-all team.


As Principal Engineer at The Center for Reimagining Learning, Adolfo has proven to be an indispensable part of the Open edX development process, as well as the greater Open edX community. By adding Adolfo to the frontend-all team, we can ensure that permissions issues will not interrupt his contributions.

New frontend-* GitHub Teams

Frontend work with MFEs will often require making changes that touch multiple repositories. In order to simplify access management, we have created 3 new created frontend-* GitHub teams. As new frontend repositories are added to the Open edX GitHub org, write access will be granted to the appropriate teams.

As of now, the permissions are as follows:

Prior Work

Adolfo’s GitHub really speaks for itself, showing just how active he is reviewing and merging PRs in repositories throughout the Open edX GitHub organization.

That being said, GitHub doesn’t tell the full story. Adolfo is remarkably engaged as a leader and member of numerous working groups. He is extremely thoughtful and respectful. He has a great sense of the “big picture,” and does an incredible job of turning ideas into action-items. Adolfo was also extraordinary in leading the charge for the Olive release, and is always more than willing to go above and beyond in service of the Open edX project.

Personal Notes

I feel extremely lucky to be able to work closely with Adolfo. His actions consistently show how much he cares about the Open edX project, and my growth as a contributor to it. I know I am far from the only contributor who feels incredibly fortunate to have Adolfo in my support network.

Please provide review comments by February 23rd.

Thank you!

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Yeah! bring it! Definitely yes to @arbrandes getting the permissions he needs to continue the work of overhauling MFEs.
Thanks for all the work so far and I’m looking forward to all the new and exciting things that will come next.

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A big :+1: from me. He’s been doing an amazing job stewarding important work across the line.

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+1 - I would actually have assumed you already had those rights @arbrandes :slight_smile:


:100: from me :slight_smile:

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:+1: from me! @arbrandes is indispensable to the frontend re-architecturing of Open edX.

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I support this :+1:

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The comment period has elapsed.

:+1: - 6
:-1: - 0

Expansion approved! Thanks for the kind responses!

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