Core Contributor nomination: Ana Garcia

Hello everyone,

Today I would like to nominate my colleague Ana García @anagarciag for the role of Translation Reviewer in the core contributor program.
In particular for the language “Spanish es_419”

Ana has been working with Open edX since she joined our team in April. She has been part of the Spanish reviewers group since June and has been working hard to help keep them up to date.

She is also active in the Marketing Working Group.

I appreciate your consideration!

As per our custom, the nomination period will be open two weeks, closing September 20.

Ana has been doing around 12 hours of work per Month currently and she has the commitment of her employer to contribute 20h/Month.


I am in support of this nomination.

@Felipe I recommend you socialize this nomination to the Marketing and Translations working groups; it’s important to get feedback from those that have worked more closely with Ana.

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Being part of the Translations working group, I am also in support of this nomination.


Thanks Sarina and Pierre.

I think that is a good idea Sarina. Let’s begin by tagging the ones I can find.

As core contributor with the translation group role, would you like to vote on this nomination @cmuniz, @ghassan @gabrieldamours, @juancamilom?

Maybe you would like to chime in as well @estebanetcheverry and @ehuthmacher.

I support Ana’s nomination, with pleasure! :+1:


I support Ana’s nomination as well! She has been a great addition to both the Marketing and Translation Working Group!


There is lots of great work being done by the translators and reviewers for the language Spanish es_419. I support the nomination of Ana García, and I look forward to more great work!


I also support the nomination and agree what folks have already said. Staff members from eduNext are always there in the TWG calls.

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@Felipe as part of this and future nominations, could your top-level post indicate the commitment Ana is able to provide for the project?

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Sure. I would start by saying that we are commited to the 20h/month per core commiter, but I don’t know the level of work Ana is having with the community tasks so far. @anagarciag could you please fill us in?

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Sure, so far I have been dedicating 3 hours a week to the community, and I could dedicate the 20 hours monthly


Congratulations Ana :raised_hands::tada:


Welcome to the CC program @anagarciag !


Thank you! :raised_hands:

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Thank you! :blush:

Hi all,

At this point the nomination thread is closed and @anagarciag is a Core Contributor. Congrats :confetti_ball: :exclamation:

@anagarciag - please review and follow the instructions to get up and running.
