Core Contributor Rights Expansion: Adolfo Brandes

Hi there! I’d like to put myself forward as a core contributor to the edx-platform repository.


Though my job title at Axim is Frontend Engineer, a lot of my work involves reviewing changes to the backend that have a direct impact on the frontend. Being able to merge these kinds of PRs (like this, or this other one) will help widen this particular bottleneck.

Prior work

I’ve been in the Open edX community as a full-stack developer since 2015. My first PR to edx-platform was in 2016 (I stuck with it as long as I could, but sadly it didn’t make the cut), and here are a couple that I managed to get merged:

As prior release manager for the Build Test Release group, I also already have write access to the edx-platform release branches, as evidenced by:

Comment Period

2024-03-08 → 2024-03-22


:+1: :raised_hands: :+1: :raised_hands: :+1: :raised_hands: :+1:

:100: :+1: from me!


:+1: from me :slight_smile:

We need more hands on deck!

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+1 from me

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Fully support this rights expansion, +1👍

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I 100% support this! Thank you Adolfo for all the hard work :dizzy:

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+1 from me as well.

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I can always trust Adolfo to communicate changes effectively and provide thoughtful and thorough reviews. The more repos with CCs like that on them the better!

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After many years of continuous contribution to the platform, definitely well warranted! :+1: Thanks for all the work @arbrandes !

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Easy :+1: from me!

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Big :+1: from me too :slight_smile:

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:+1: for me

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+1 for me too.

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As your boss I may be too biased - or perhaps one of the most qualified - to comment :upside_down_face:

Anyway, huge :+1: from me!!! Thank you for all you do!

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Thanks for your long history of working for this project Adolfo. You also have my yes vote.

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:+1: Absolutely

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