Listaflow has a logo
We thought it was high time that Listaflow had a logo, so we designed one! Meet the new Listaflow brand:
Here are a few of the other improvements heading your way soon:
Improved emails
@Fox_Piacenti @navin and I have been working on making Listaflow emails more intuitive. We wanted the emails to make it more clear to the user what the checkin was for, and what they should do next. We’ve also spruced up the design of the emails and added the logo:
Multiple choice input
Some of us participate in more than one team during a sprint (e.g. the Core Contributors and the Marketing Workgroup). Currently users in this situation receive two copies of the Sprint Retrospective & Planning - one for each team. This can make tracking hours confusing, and filling out the checkin feel like a chore. @antoviaque came up with the idea of adding a multiple choice input that allows users to select the team(s) in which they participated during the sprint. This means users should only ever receive one copy of the checkin, and then simply select the teams that apply to that particular sprint. Here is what the multiple choice input will look like:
As always, we’d love your feedback, so please let us know what you think of the updates. Thanks!