"Favorite courses" list in Open edX

Hi, I’m interested in the solution of keeping a list of favorite courses for the students. The idea - the student discovers the available courses and can collect several courses in a specific list with the name “Favorites”.

In the service https://www.labxchange.org/ they tried to implement this feature, but surfing the web I didn’t find a solution.

Dear community, if you have any solutions I’ll be glad to check them.

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I believe the bookmark function can be a starting point for this favorites functionality.

It can be extended to allow bookmarking the whole course instead of a single unit or component.

Hi @uetuluk

Thanks for your solution, but I’m interested to have a list of favorite courses inside the dashboard. We already setupped the Bookmark feature for the course and it works well.

Hi @Ruslan_Kasymov

My team is looking to implement a course bookmarking feature on our platform, would you be willing to share any solution you may have found for this?

Hi @emartus

We didn’t find any ready implementation for this feature and my team developed this functionality from the scratch using this technology https://backbonejs.org/

Thank you @Ruslan_Kasymov, we’ll look into this and see if it suits our needs as well.