Named Release Manager Nomination: Maksim Sokolski

Following the procedure outlined in this post, I’m writing to nominate Maksim Sokolski, @Maksim_Sokolskiy, for the Named Release Manager role on behalf of the BTR group.

Maksim has been active in the BTR working group for a long time. He has been a coding Core Contributor since June 2021 and has access to edx-app-test, devstack, edx-e2e-tests, cypress-e2e-tests, edx-app-test repos.

See his Github page here: cmltaWt0 (Max Sokolski) · GitHub

The review period will be one week starting today and ending Wednesday, October 18th.


Maksim definitely gets my vote :+1:

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:100: on my part.

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Definitely, +1 from me!

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:+1: Great!

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:+1: of course

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Total :+1:, absolutely no objections.

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It’s a yes from me!

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I had the pleasure of cutting Quince and tagging Palm.3 with Max this week. I’m fully confident he’ll do a great job in the role :+1:

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Really happy to support @Maksim_Sokolskiy !

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Congrats @Maksim_Sokolskiy ! I’ve added you to the release managers GitHub group, which gives you write access to every repository that gets tagged in named releases. As long as you’re BTR release manager, you can use those rights to help you carry out the role.

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Thank you all for your trust! :two_hearts:
Will do my best as the release manager!