Open edX Contributors Meetup

Sorry again for the delay! Here is the recap from the meeting we held on 2022-04-19.

Video Recording



Kelly Buchanan

Meeting notes

2. Working Groups Follow-Ups:

  • Marketing (@estebanetcheverry ):
    -Main focus on the Open edX Conference
    -Ongoing tutorial videos for new users are expected to be ready by the end of April.

  • BTR (@nedbat):
    -The Nutmeg branch got created this week!
    -The testing process is underway
    -Release notes on the way
    -Request for help:
    Dean is leading the testing effort. If you think you might be able to lend a hand, reach out to him!
    Testing Open edX release

  • Frontend (@arbrandes):
    -Recap from the last meeting.
    -Adolfo will be leading the Node 16 Upgrade project from now on. Reach out to him if you have any questions about it!
    -If there is a case where any of the current MFEs stops supporting Node 12 or Node 14, the BTR would consider moving the whole Tutor stack to Node 16.
    2U is currently working on an automatic Snake Case to Camel Case conversion
    frontend-platform is finally getting an upgrade to React international to version 5.
    -Adam is working on a possible dependency licensing issue

  • Data:
    -They hope to gather at the Open edX Con!

  • DEPR (@feanil):
    -tCRIL and Racoongang will accelerate a lot of the DEPR work which will be included in Olive

  • Product (@jmakowski):
    -First session during the conference. Hopefully, people that are not attending the conference will be able to join the session virtually! @jenna will provide the details.

3. Events:

-Open edX Conference: It is finally happening! stay tuned for news and updates at

4. Projects:

-Django events (@mgmdi - @Felipe): We missed the deadline for cutting Nutmeg. The remaining filters will be backported to Nutmeg and included in Olive.
-Open edX Documentation Restructure (@feanil)
*Request for help:

5. Improvements and Calls/offers for help (@antoviaque)


“I wish there were a snapshot of the technical settings and feature toggles from the Maple release, so I could diff them nor the nutmeg release notes. (edx-platform technical reference — edx-platform Technical Reference documentation”


  • That particular Readthedocs site is generated from edX Platform. So, he should be able to go to the older masterbranch and just regenerate those docs locally.

“It was a little bit tough to onboard as there’s so many communication platforms, but the more I learned the more it all makes sense. The onboarding courses will be super helpful to future participants.”


  • This is already being addressed.

Calls/offers for help

"Not yet but soon I might want people to help me write config files related to Backstage into various repos. | @feanil "

" I would love to get an overview of the current work on frontend plugins. I’m trying to keep in touch with the latest changes. | @xitij2000 "


  • Adolfo will get in touch with him.

" I need help to think of new test cases for the Test Plan. At present there are only basic test cases for the Studio and LMS.What about unique XBlocks, plugins, devops, global admin, and other areas that we need to create test cases for? It would be great if people can review the test cases then add their suggestions to the SUGGESTIONS tab in the sheet. I will bring this up in the meetups too. | @Dean "


  • Probably, these missing test cases will be figured out during the testing process.

" I’m hoping that this blockstore PR gets merged this week or next week, and then backported to nutmeg | @pdpinch "


  • It should have been merged on Thursday.

Further information in Core Contributor Sprint Retro - April 1st-15th

Next meetup

Tuesday May 3rd at 15:00 UTC (Timezone converter).

Details and draft agenda on the Github board .