Pre-conference Survey! Open edX Extensibility and Customization

Hi all!

At the Open edX Conference I’m going to be giving a talk about Extensibility and Customization of the platform, and I’d love your input!

I’ve put together a pretty short 3 section survey on the ease of use and frequency of use of our various extension points. You can find the survey here: Open edX Extensibility and Customization Survey

In the talk, I’m planning on using the survey results to draw insights into where we should focus our efforts on improving platform extensibility/customization.

The survey will close on Friday, March 24, 2023 to give me a little time to incorporate the data.

Thanks so much (in advance!) for your participation. If you have any questions or issues, please reach out.



Hi all!

Just three days left to participate in the extensibility and customization survey. It closes on Friday, March 24.

It’s pretty quick, no writing text unless you want to, just radio buttons! One of those easy surveys you just dream about filling out. (Is that just me?)

Thanks again - your input will help me understand our collective experience with extending/customizing the platform and sanity check my own intuition.
