Rights Expansion: Cristhian Garcia

Hi all,

In response to our call for help with maintainership, @Ian2012 is seeking to be a maintainer for the event-tracking, openedx-events, and openedx-filters repositories. He has done significant work around these areas, and his other work around analytics speaks for itself.

In order to perform maintainer duties, he would need write access to openedx-events, and to join the hooks-extension-framework Github group as they are the maintainers of openedx-events and openedx-filters.

I think this would be a great addition to those teams and help us keep some critical repositories up to date!

Please provide any feedback on this change by 2024-02-23.


:+1: from me. @Ian2012 has had a great track record so far and I think will be a good maintainer for event-tracking and I assume @Felipe and @mgmdi don’t have any objections to him joining the hooks-extension-framework group to support the maintenance of the events and filters repos.

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Big :+1: from me too! Aspects would not be where it is today without @Ian2012’s excellent work and the support of eduNEXT. Making his path smoother is a win for the community.

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It’s a :+1: for me. Having Cristhian in the hooks-extension-framework group would be a great addition, I’m thinking we can get more involved in the event-bus work with Cristhian’s expertise. So no objections on my part!

Definitely yes on this vote. His collaborations on aspects have been great and this builds toward even more work in those areas.

Yes, for more specialists on Open edX :slight_smile:. Welcome on-board Christian!

This has passed, with 6 :+1: and 0 :-1: . Thanks everyone!