Rights Expansion: Farhaan Bukhsh - frontend-app-learning

I’d like to nominate that @farhaanbukhsh get expand his CC rights to include the frontend-app-learning repository.


The learning MFE is looking for new maintainers and Farhan and Braden have volunteered. Farhaan needs CC rights to help with the maintenance ofthat repo.

Prior Work

While Farhaan has not worked in the learning MFE repo directly, he does have experience in the frontend-lib-content-component , which should serve as a good datapoint for his caliber with respect to Frontend development. Farhan has also been an edx-platform CC for over a year contributing as part of contract work there including some BTR related fixes.

Farhaan has also been the maintainer of the frontend-app-gradebook repo since earlier this year.

Please provide any feedback on this change by 2024-08-09T04:00:00Z as it is a limited scope change, it’s a short review period.

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:+1: from me as his would-be co-maintainer :slight_smile:

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:+1: from me, @farhaanbukhsh is a great developer with solid frontend contributions.

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Support this rights extension :+1:

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:+1: from me too.

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:+1: , thanks @farhaanbukhsh

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:+1: I also agree

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With sufficient “Yes” votes and no “No” votes. This rights expansion is approved!

@farhaanbukhsh I’ve invited you to the relevant committers team, you should be all set to help maintain the frontend-app-learning repo!

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@feanil I think you mean @farhaanbukhsh :stuck_out_tongue:

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:person_facepalming: yes, I definitely did! Fixed.