Rights Expansion: Navin Karkera

Navin was added as a CC to the Open edX project here: Core Contributor Nomination - Navin Karkera

While continuing to do other great work on the platform, @navin has volunteered to also take over maintainership of frontend-app-library-authoring

I’d like to expand Navin’s CC rights to include the frontend-app-library-authoring so that he can maintain that repo.

For context, here is JS work Navin has done in that repo and elsewhere: Pull request search results · GitHub

Please provide review by 2024-01-26T17:00:00Z


:+1: from me. Thanks for taking this on, @navin !

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:+1: from me!

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An absolute :+1: for me as well!

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I vote yes as well. Thanks @navin for all your work

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Big :+1: from me!

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Definitely, happy to see you taking this maintenance work on @navin - we need more maintainers currently! :+1:

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From looking at his work on the Course Authoring MFE, I have no reservations giving @navin a +1! Thanks for taking this on!

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Absolutely :+1: :slight_smile: @navin 's work is always of the highest caliber.

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With many yes-votes and zero no-votes, this is approved. I’ve granted you write access @navin – thanks and congratulations!


Thank you everyone for your support!!