At least one commit each across 4 different Tutor repos, and probably some other things I missed.
Access Sought
I’d like to start him off with merge rights to the following repos:
Conduct and Caliber
Navin has been a joy to work with on the redis event bus project, and others I have talk to have expressed similar feelings. He has written several ADRs and worked across a wide swath of the ecosystem. I’d love to see his experience on the event bus help drive the adoption of that tech forward.
As a member of OpenCraft, Navin would be committing to 20 hours / month.
Comment Period
For this nomination to pass, Navin needs 5 positive votes and no unaddressed objections by June 9, 2023, a little over two weeks from this posting.
I have worked with Navim in some of those requests and I think the his Conduct and Caliber of contributions was generously demonstrated. I vote yes to this nomination.
Enthusiastic ! @navin shows attention to detail and care across projects that affect many interlocking repositories, and the quality of his communication and code is top knotch. Navin will make a great addition to the CC program
Definitely! @navin is a great contributor to every project he joins - thanks for nominating him as core contributor @BrianMesick, the Open edX project should benefit well from getting more contributions from @navin , and the ability to review & merge more quickly should speedup the development of the current projects he works on.